Pasto Varnish or Mopa-Mopa
Varnish Pasto is a resin extracted from the tree MOPA-MOPA, pickers do in the first few weeks of having sprouted the bud, virtually the raw material is skin colored leaf crystal olive that when subjected to heat takes a consistency of a soft dough.
To purify the raw material impurities and ribs of these newborn leaves in a container of boiling water a quantity of the product is immersed, is removed kneaded, and an anvil with a flowerpot beaten to get impurities, this operation repeated several times, then ground in a mill to home is completely purified.
Until the early twentieth century ancestors barnizadores this process is performed chewing among all teachers and officers working in the office.
The chroniclers of the time in the travel diary of Don Miguel de Santi Esteban de Lima to Caracas “1740” described this particular form of purifying the varnish.